Marshall Chasin and Associates, feature Bernafon hearing aids

Marshall Chasin and Associates, hearing specialists

Marshall Chasin and Associates, hearing specialsts



Hearing Related Articles

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1. Music and the Prevention of Hearing Loss

Localization problems with modified and non-modified ER-15 Musician's Earplugs
Chasin, Marshall; Chong, John
The Hearing Journal, February 1999,52(2):38,40
Article: PDF Only

Attenuation variables in earmolds for hearing protection devices
Pirzanski, Chester; Chasin, Marshall; Klenk, Mary; Maye, Vince; Purdy, Julie
The Hearing Journal, June 2000,53(6):44-45,48-49
Article: PDF Only

Loud vs. intense: Three ways to delude the musician
Chasin, Marshall
The Hearing Journal, September 2011,64(9):16-18

Recreational Noise and Its Potential Risk to Hearing
by Brian Fligor, ScD. Do you sometimes wonder what you really should be telling your patients about noise-induced hearing loss and their hobbies—without sounding like a complete killjoy? Here's information on a wide range of noisy activities, along with some common-sense guidelines for hearing protection.

“Portable” Music and Its Risk to Hearing Health
by Brian J. Fligor, ScD. As hearing care experts and “hearing loss preventionists,” it is our responsibility to consider critically the level of risk and educate our patients and the public appropriately about the use of personal music players.

The Medical Aspects of Noise Induced Otologic Damage in Musicians
by Kenneth Einhorn, MD. Studies show that musicians routinely face sound pressure levels (SPLs) in potentially hazardous ranges, extending up to 120-130 dBA only 3 feet from the speaker in amplified rock/pop bands, 83-112 dBA on stage in various orchestras, and 80-101 dBA on stage in jazz, blues, and country and western bands.

Room Acoustics and Modifications for Performing Artists
by Bill Gastmeier, MASc, PEng. The design of music rehearsal spaces, practice/teaching rooms, and performance venues shouldconsider the acoustical and safety requirements of performers, instructors, and the audience.

DPOAEs Among Normal-Hearing Musicians and Non-Musicians
by O'neil W. Guthrie, MS. Diagnostic measures for the early identification and prevention of music-induced hearing loss may help improve musicians’ hearing health and lengthen their careers.

Hearing Protection for Musicians
by Patty Niquette, MA. Musicians need to hear well, and safely, when they play. Standard industrial-type hearing protectors muffle sound and frequently provide too much attenuation and occlusion to be acceptable for musicians. This article describes the selection of high-fidelity earplugs for musicians.

On Music and Hearing Loss
by Marshall Chasin, AuD. An introduction by this month’s guest-editor, and his thoughts on music induced hearing loss, why it differs from noise induced hearing loss, and what might be expected in the future of this exciting area.

Introduction: Occupational Hearing Conservation and Hearing Protectors
by Marshall Chasin, AuD, and Lee D. Hager. An introduction to the topic of occupational noise-induced hearing loss by this month's guest editors.

Music for the Hearing Care Professional
by Marshall Chasin, AuD(C), and Doran Hayes, MSc, AuD(C). Many of the physical principles of music are familiar to hearing care They're just called different things.


2. Music and Hearing Aids

Perceptual Considerations in Designing and Fitting Hearing Aids for Music
by Frank A. Russo, PhD. A selective overview of perceptual dimensions contributing to music experience that have implications for the fitting of hearing aids, as well as possible treatment and research of hearing loss.

Musicians and Hearing Aid Design
A Digital Signal Processor for Musicians and Audiophiles
by Jim Ryan, PhD, PEng, and Shailja Tewari, MBA. The performance aspects of digital signal processors that are designed for speech and musicians with particular reference to a new circuit design.

Audio Players and Cochlear Implants
by Edie Gibson, AuD. Cochlear implant users can listen to MP3 and CD players via several options, including audio headphones, direct patch cables, or FM systems.

Hearing Aids for Musicians
by Marshall Chasin, AuD. Understanding and managing the four physical differences between speech and music allows the hearing care professional to approximate the correct electroacoustic parameters and enhance the enjoyment of listening to music.

Introduction to Special Edition
Musicians and Hearing Aid Design
by Guest Editors Marshall Chasin, AuD, MSc, Aud(C), and Lawrence J. (Larry) Revit, MA. An introduction to this special edition of HR and a challenge to the hearing industry and dispensing professionals regarding the need for properly fitting performing musicians. The authors note that we have the technology available—right now—to successfully fit these patients.

Six ways to improve listening to music through hearing aids
Chasin, Marshall
The Hearing Journal, September 2010,63(9):27-30
Amplification fit for music lovers

Can your hearing aid handle loud music? A quick test will tell you
Chasin, By Marshall
The Hearing Journal, December 2006,59(12):22,24

Programming hearing instruments to make live music more enjoyable
Hockley, Neil S.; Bahlmann, Frauke; Chasin, Marshall
The Hearing Journal, September 2010,63(9):30,32-33,36,38
Amplification fit for music lovers

Music and hearing aids
Chasin, Marshall
The Hearing Journal, July 2003,56(7):36,38,40-41

Musicians and Hearing Aid Design
The Use of a High Frequency Emphasis Microphone for Musicians
by Marshall Chasin, AuD, MSc, Aud(C) and Mark Schmidt. Instrumental music, whether related to its overall higher intensity or its greater crest factor, tends to overdrive the front end of the hearing aid because of the limited available dynamic range on the given A/D converters. Here is one possible solution that can be added to the dispensing professional's toolbox: the HF microphone hearing aid.

Hear the music... or not?
Chasin, Marshall
The Hearing Journal, July 2004,57(7):10,12,14,16
Page Ten

Okay, I'll Say It: Maybe People Should Just Remove Their Hearing Aids When Listening to Music!
by Marshall Chasin, AuD

3. Language and Hearing Aids

Fitting Science
How Much Gain Is Required for Soft-level Inputs in Some Non-English Languages?
by Marshall Chasin, AuD. A field study suggests that clients appear to prefer slightly more gain (4.2 dB) for soft-level inputs while listening to those languages that have a lower intensity at the end of a sentence (ie, Subject-Object-Verb syntax languages).

How Hearing Aids May Be Set for Different Languages
by Marshall Chasin, AuD, MSc, Reg. CASLPO. Possible considerations for improving speech comprehension when programming hearing instruments or languages other than English.

Seminars In Hearing Language and Hearing Aids
by Marshall Chasin, AuD.

4. Acoustics

The etiology of the REUG: Did we get it completely right?
Chasin, Marshall
The Hearing Journal, December 2005,58(12):22-24
Original Article

What Your Mother Never Told You About Earmold Acoustic Formulae
by Marshall Chasin, AuD, MSc, AuD(C). A fun and informative look at the principles behind earmold acoustics, including venting, acoustic resistance, and flaring of earmold tubing, particularly as they relate to mini-BTEs.

Taos Hum
by Marshall Chasin, AuD, MSc, AuD(C).

Acoustics for Hearing Portection Devices
by Marshall Chasin, AuD, MSc, AuD(C).

by Marshall Chasin, AuD, MSc, AuD(C).


5. Other (BAHA, middle ear implants, word recognition testing)

A brief history of middle ear implants
Chasin, Marshall
The Hearing Journal, August 2008,61(8):38,40
The future of implantable hearing devices: A special section (Part 1 of 2)

Bone Conduction Implants: The When and Why
Marshall Chasin, M.Sc. Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA) have been in routine clinical use since 1977

Fitting Tips
Cutting Short a Word List: What Are the Chances for Error?
by Marshall Chasin, AuD, MSc, and Courtney Chasin, BASc. Every dispensing professional has had the same thought: If your patient nails the first 10 to 15 words in a 25-word list, how risky is it to stop the testing right then and there? Here's the answer.


6. Books, Book Chapters, and Monographs by Marshall Chasin

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